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Ra. One games launched!

ra_one_game_1_3481_fRa. One is one movie that has been creating quite a stir for a long time, and has fans across the nation waiting with bated breath for its release. Now, the fans of this movie have yet another reason to celebrate, with the launch of the Ra.One games, that took place recently. The Ra.One - India Games games are now just a click away, and you can get to play with your favourite characters online! Just like he movie, the games too have been created with a lot of thought process going into them.


Three types of games have been launched, keeping the varying mindset of the end users. There is an action packed social game, and another casual game for the not so serious types. The third is the G. One adventure which features Little G.One, and the DTH/Java game. The Ra.One Genesis game is also now available for all to purchase, and the game is loosely based on the Ramayan. When questioned about the reason behind the games being launched, Shah Rukh responded with, “People can’t stick to posters & trailers anymore. Promotion has to be entertaining & that's why the games.” The response generated during the launch sure does confirm that this strategy has hit the bull's eye!

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